
Our herd of Hereford cattle was established during 2020 with the purchase of twenty pedigree heifers from organic farmer Jan Machač in northern Bohemia.

Hereford cattle are one of the UK´s oldest native beef cattle originating from Herefordshire. The cattle are dark red with a white head. They are a kind natured, vigorous and low maintenance breed with excellent beef quality. Hereford cattle can be found all over the world including Europe, South and North America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa etc.

Our cattle are kept outside the whole year. They graze the pastures and have fresh water, shelter and shade to protect them from poor weather and sunshine. They also have access to minerals, salt and licks. They are wormed as required. During the winter they are fed hay and silage.

We purchased a pedigree bull in June 2021, our first calves were born in Spring 2022.

Farma Hrzín - Christopher Robertson



Vyhledávané řeznictví ROBERTSON najdete v Dolních Břežanech. Produkty můžete podle sezónní dostupnosti zakoupit také v e-shopu, nebo po domluvě přímo na farmě.

O farmě

o farmě

Volný chov ovcí, skotu a slepic na farmě s plochou cca 40 ha, vše bez chemie. Maso a vejce z čisté přírody Podblanicka si můžete objednat přímo z farmy nebo zakoupit v řeznictví Robertson v Dolních Břežanech.



Christopher Robertson - Farma Hrzín

Hrzín 18, 257 03 Jankov, ČR

tel.: 317 711 252, mob.: 777 028 254